

Is Peace and Space what you are looking for?! ….

Then you have come to the right place!

When you retreat to our beautifully landscaped garden with cozy corners and inviting sitting areas, you will notice the hammocks that move lightly in the warm summer wind. With your feet through the freshly cut green grass, make your way between the trees to settle down in these comfortable hanging beds.

While lying down you can look at the clear blue sky with the occasional white sheep cloud that drifts by by a wonderful summer breeze. You had brought your book with you, but soon you close your eyes and imagine yourself as a God in France for a moment.

You let your thoughts take you to the French picturesque village where you passed by this morning by bike. Along the vast fields full of rapeseed and a friendly look from a herd of cows you come to a goat cheese farm.

Of course, take a look at the typical French farmyard with in the corner of our eyes stables full of goats who seek shade under the roof in the French morning sun. Delicious types of goat cheese stare at you and of course you can taste the charming farmer who sells his cheese. Satisfied, you choose your preference and drive towards Maison ‘L Aventure de Pamadera and see on the menu that you can enjoy a delicious Goat Cheese Salad tonight.

How relaxing while swinging away is as it can be in this environment

Availabilty; we would be happy to check availability for you. Because our planning changes almost daily, we want you to enjoy the possibilities to the fullest.

Therefore, fill in our contact form below with 1 push of a button and make your wishes known. We will then look at the options within our planning as soon as possible and provide you with feedback. If this does not fully meet your needs, we will offer you an alternative.

Book as early as possible and avoid disappointments!

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Kind regards

Team Domaine de Pamadera